The Germans would have faced an armed force at least 10 times the size of their invasion force, who were also motivated to ensure that they (the Germans) would lose. With no such restrictions here and given the fact that modern combined arms tactics were still in their infancy, it’s difficult to see how the Germans would have avoided taking heavy casualties. In addition, everybody had guns. One commonality among the nations conquered by Germany is that private firearms ownership was heavily restricted or simply banned. Assuming that they were somehow able to move further inland, they still would need a corridor or corridors open to the ocean for supplies and retreat.

In the world of Kaiserreich, Germany and her Central Power allies win WW1, leading to a world very different than our own. could play at the U-boat game, and the Germans would have needed open logistics lines to keep themselves supplied. WHAT IF GERMANY WON WW1 KAISERREICH LORE 1/8 - 1917-1919 This fictional Kaiserreich Documentary series explores the althistory timeline of the worlds most popular althistory IP, Kaiserreich. And even if the Germans had landed a sizable force here, how where they going to be resupplied? Any such force would have been trapped here until it was defeated, destroyed, or retreated.